February 7, 2016

Perfect Son By Oath – Heb 7:26-8:2

Passage: Heb 7:26-8:2
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With literary genius, the author of Hebrews is succinctly stating his conclusions based on material he has already expounded at length even while he is introducing concepts he will develop as the letter/sermon unfolds. Comparing priests of respective orders: Levitical/Aaronic vs. Melchizedekian, our author summarizes with contrasts in verse 28. Law -vs.- Word of the oath, Appointed men -vs.- appointed Son, and weakness -vs.- eternal perfection. Thus by deduction we understand Christ, the ultimate High Priest, in these terms as the Perfect Son by Oath. Verses 26-28 are framed by related and important adjectives: 'fitting' and 'perfect'. FITTING speaks to an arrival point of significance evident by conspicuous “towering up” standing out, eminent, seemly circumstances. Meanwhile, PERFECT means consummate, reaching end stage, working through entire process, final phase, conclusion, accomplish, fulfill, complete, consecrate... to raise to the state befitting of Him. This concept of 'perfection' is thematic in Hebrews. At least 9 of the 23 Biblical mentions of the word appear in this book including other mentions of 'fitting' as well (2:10, 5:9, 7:11,19)

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