The poetic movement of Ps 148 is a descending invocation issued from the throne room of glory. As the decree travels through the realms of creation, the call to worship…
First century Jewish historian 'Philo' documents smoke still rising from the site of Sodom and Gomorrah's destruction in his day. For centuries in its geographic situation and for all time…
The great theme of Joseph's life and calling is signaled by the turning point in his fortunes recorded in chapter 41 of Genesis. Here his 'messianic ascension' from the place…

A CALL TO ARMS – Jude 1-7

November 6, 2022
The epistle of Jude contains striking parallels to the 2nd letter of Peter. So much so that most scholars assume these two books shared source material. II Peter chapter two…
One might wonder what sheaves, heavenly bodies, grapes, cake baskets, cattle, and grain have in common in the life of Joseph. The answer is that all of these were the…
In John 16:33 Jesus is encouraging His disciples: “I have said these things to you that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation, but…