Our text today drowns out the hecklers of popular culture and secular academia who have reduced the Bible in the minds of the worldly to an incidental anthology of cultic…
Jesus' journey to Jerusalem culminates with a note of humility and prophetic triumph. This surprising confluence of events fulfills prophetic imagery particularly from Zechariah. Some 20 times in the book…
Psalm 50 reverberates like a trumpet blast in the ears of mankind signaling the supreme court of all the universe will now convene. A shudder of sobering anxiety ought to…
Our last message in Hebrews entitled: “Hold Fast” focused on our grip on Christ, as we embrace the Christian life and all of its paradoxical tensions described in Heb 4…
Progress ascending to Jerusalem is halted yet again for a brief six verse record of a profound incident involving one of the last recorded healings during the ministry of Christ…
The road to regeneration goes through the cross and there are no exceptions, detours, or alternate routes of any kind, much to our carnal dismay. This chapter in Matthew's gospel…
The title of this message reflects the perspective of the Word of God on the human claim to power and influence. One author said of this Psalm: “Men of spiritual…
We need not wonder what is the goal of 'holding fast' in this chapter of Hebrews. The term 'rest' is employed ubiquitously as the desirable end of our gospel driven…
Historical context helpful to an understanding of the parable of the laborers in the vineyard includes the following: 1.) In the history of special relation 'vineyard' is often employed as…
In Matthew 19:21-22, the Word of Christ and worldly values reach a distinct impasse. Jesus Christ the Son of man – God incarnate – Savior – Messiah – Creator –…