Called To Walk In Strength - Pastor Joe Reed - Ephesians 4:17-32
Called To Walk In Strength - Pastor Joe Reed - Ephesians 4:7-16
The idea of heaven is wildly popular these days. Our passage in Hebrews will enable us to discern whether various and delightful imaginations of the day dreamers in our time…
Called To Walk In Unity - Pastor Joe Reed - Ephesians 4:1-6
Jesus' message to the Pharisees is laced with surprising, even shocking, ironies. The most learned of men in one sense, proved the most ignorant in another. Though they were most…
Agustus F. Tholuck summarized his thoughts on the value and virtues of Psalm 57 as follows: “A hard and ungrateful heart beholds even in prosperity only isolated drops of divine…
With literary genius, the author of Hebrews is succinctly stating his conclusions based on material he has already expounded at length even while he is introducing concepts he will develop…
The fundamental error most prevalently on display among the religious of Jesus' day was hypocrisy. The most accurate description of the sin of hypocrisy in context is given in the…