The author of Hebrews has thoroughly employed the thematic content of the covenants of old to reveal the communion and perfection achieved in the gospel of Jesus Christ. His argument…
The inaugural events of the rule and reign of Christ spoken with prophetic power and illustrative language cannot be fully understood or appreciated apart from their greater linguistic and revelatory…
The last great discourse in Matthew's gospel signals a seismic shift in redemptive history marked by signal events. Sparks fly and powers clash as Daniel's 70 weeks come to fruition...…
Hebrews 1:1 signals a milestone reached in special revelation – a superlative threshold has been crossed eclipsing the former administration/era/order. The direction and movement of redemptive history has been from…
Commentators have noted that the structure of Matthew's gospel includes 5 sermons bracketed by identical literary devices. In chapters 5-7, after His disciples approach Him, Jesus delivers His 1st discourse:…