The Third “My Son” oracle of Proverbs opens in chapter 3. Verses (1-10) comprise a set of 5 of condition/benefit couplets…followed by an exposition of the virtues of wisdom (11-26)…closing…
We are quite familiar with the term 'existential threat' these days. This term is appropriate with respect to our guilt before a holy God. The existential hope published & heralded…
The "temple vantage point" of Paul's instruction to the church in Corinth in chapter 3 extends to his applications in chapter four. In our text today, Paul writes to correct…
In our passage today, 11 mentions of path, way, or walk, highlight the through line metaphor of Solomon's 2nd "my son" oracle. The concern of wisdom applied has much to…
Our working definition for Biblical Wisdom is: "The communicable attribute of God equipping His people with skills for the art of Godly living". Proverbs Chapter 2 contains the second “My…
Proverbs 1:20 introduces wisdom as a woman whose voice offers an appeal & invitation to live according to the ways of God. This passage is the first of four ‘Lady…
Psalm 129 addresses 2 groups of people: Israel and those who hate Zion. What of those who stand in the way of ascent? What should the nation do If Israel's…
Writing to a church in peril, Paul expounds the implications of the indwelling Spirit for believers. If you are God's temple, what does that mean with reference to your relationship…
In chapter 5, Paul transitions in the book of Romans from a calling of repentance and delivering the Gospel, to encouragements, and a deeper understanding of justification. We see the…
The first “my son” oracle in Proverbs serves as a warning against the self destructive and deceptive nature of sin. Solomon takes as his example of wickedness, the plundering of…