Jonah's message to Nineveh is not exactly an ideal example of a well balanced gospel presentation we might hold up as a model for seminary students. The ideal mix of…
Imagine driving home from a family outing one day only to return to a pile of smoldering ashes with an occasional metal object standing here and there like charred witnesses…
In light of his race analogy opening chapter 12, it seems appropriate that the author of Hebrews would extend his athletic metaphor to illustrate rigorous, behind the scenes training required…
Our title today reflects the prominence of the Word of God in this section of our text, not to mention the entire account of Jonah. The Word of God comes…
The apostle Paul takes the time to unveil the significance of our salvation pictured and proclaimed in baptism for several reasons. He knows these truths will equip them to walk…
Similar themes to this psalm are featured in other Old Testament passages, Psalm 37, 49 and the book of Job among them. The author wrestles with the perennial question: “How…
Much like the 12th chapter of the book of Romans, the author of Hebrews introduces the major application section of his book having laid the groundwork with painstaking precision. He…
Little did Solomon know the extreme conditions under which his prayerful request would be answered as he dedicated the temple in I Kings 8:29 saying: “..That your eyes may be…
Let us notice first of all a surprising twist in the context of our passage today. The storm was threatening to destroy this vessel on account of Jonah's unfaithfulness, not…
Psalm 72 closes the second book of the Psalter. The collection is arranged in 5 parts echoing the Pentateuch (5 books of Moses). Book 1: 1-41, book 2: 42-72, book…