Hebrews features the Calvary moments of the gospel by way of closing admonition for the church. In our text (and its referent in the life and ministry of Christ), it…
Isaiah prophesied to a people that fell under the condemnation of Psalm 78 and illustrated well its abiding truth. Is 29:13-16 “And the Lord said: Because this people draw near…
The tone of the greater portion of Psalm 78's historical record is sobering indeed as it demonstrates the fearful consequences of sinful rebellion against the Lord and His anointed. Though…
Our text today is a “historical” psalm. Psalm 78 records at length, the consequences of ignoring Psalm 77. Whereas the Psalmist cries in his distress in (77:11-12): “I will remember…
Following the apostolic pattern of laying out detailed instruction in the doctrine of the faith followed by exhorting the practice the faith demands, the author of Hebrews shifts gears toward…
Scriptural history combined with prophecies like the oracle and vision of Nahum provide examples of the very obvious and inevitable judgments of God against the most self confident and apparently…
Nahum is the sequel to Jonah in many ways. The calling of this prophet was to proclaim the imminent judgement Nineveh would not escape and doubly deserved. The revival sparked…
The authors of scripture were no strangers to mental anguish. Depression is not a condition only recently identified and addressed by modern medicine. Asaph prescribes “medicine” for the distraught heart…
Our text today, follows a pattern throughout the book of Hebrews which has proven a favorite persuasive device of the author. At moments like this in the text, he will…
Jesus Himself identifies Jonah and aspects of the prophet's experience as typological or symbolic of the Christ. Matthew 12 in fact provides divine hermeneutical insight into the record of scripture…