Unbelievers often seek to downplay the Old Testament/New Testament connection, sometimes claiming that messianic prophecies of the Old Testament are misreads from a biased Christian understanding. While this may be…
Today's worship text (Psalm 148) details the appropriate response upon realizing the glory of God revealed in the account of Genesis one and subsequently evident all across the universe of…
What makes a great leader? Why are certain figures of historical importance celebrated for their leadership? What character traits and qualifications will we look for in our political candidates next…

Why Genesis?

May 27, 2018
It is easy to forget how important the account of creation is to the believer. Many professing Christians hold to wildly divergent views of the interpretation of Genesis, primarily because…
The threat of war at the gates of their flagship city would have been dismissed out of hand by the average Assyrian when Nahum was writing his prophecy. After all,…