Psalm 112 joins Psalm 111 as a set complimenting one another in several ways. They match each other in length, stanza, even verse count. At many points, the stanzas align…
Peter reiterates and summarizes the main exhortation themes of his epistle in this section. Those who took to heart this epistle would not have been shocked, disillusioned, or broken by…
Sound familiar? The circumstances recorded in Genesis 20 involving Abimelech, King of Gerar are virtually identical to the situation in Egypt when Abraham and Sarah encountered Pharaoh (12:10-20). There was…
Genesis 19:24-25 records in just three sentences, the destructive judgements of God executed upon the wicked societies of Sodom and Gomorrah. Nevertheless, this moment is referenced time and again through…
Amos was a shepherd, a herdsman, and a dresser of sycamore figs (7:14) before God called him to prophesy to the nation of Israel. Amos was an unlikely vessel to…

Holy & Awesome – Psalm 111

January 10, 2021
Psalm 111 is one of 9 songs in a unique and distinguished subset called “acrostic psalms”. These poems in their original language are structured in a alphabetic sequence. Each new…
Elect exiles will endure as they live in light of absolutes and ultimates. The unchanging truths of the gospel serving to bring the Lord maximal glory will provide ballast stones…
Ruth was not the only unlikely bride in the line of Christ. Our last message on Lot's legacy was titled: “A Bitter End?”. The answer by all immediate indications is…