Psalm 109 is the 2nd of a set of 3 Davidic Psalms in this portion of the Psalter. Each of the Psalms portrays decisive action in different ways. Victory in…
Psalm 108 is a selective composite written/compiled by King David drawing nearly word for word from portions of 2 other songs (Ps 57:7-11) and (Ps 60:5-12). Ps 57 is an…
The book of Hebrews introduces us to Jesus in superlative terms. He is proclaimed in His redemptive majesty with reference to men and angels of significance throughout covenant history in…
The apostle Paul explains to the early church that the experience of the people of God in their deliverance from Egypt was a kind of baptism. I Cor 10:1-5 expounds…
Salve for the Banished Guest Speaker: Dave Ingenrigtson
Having examined how Christian convictions relate to our testimony interacting with the human institutions which make up any given social order, the apostle Peter extends his appeal for Christian conduct…
Imagine planning a meal for God himself visiting your home accompanied by messengers who will go on with Him to execute divine judgment on neighboring settlements. How would you prepare?…
The second half of Psalm 107 continues building a cumulative case for worship of the One True God responsible for the timeline of the universe and the course of each…
Book 5 of the Psalter opens with a thematic, poetic, symmetrical, and contextual song. The theme is the praise worthy testimony of the steadfast love of Yahweh redeeming His people.…