Toward the end of his days and upon the death of his beloved wife Sarah,  Abraham finally secures his first legal claim in the land of promise.  Burial preparations for…
Two major structural elements in the Genesis record help us to understand the significance of events in chapter 22 in their greater context. The first element is the recurring emphasis…
Psalm 114 follows 113 as the 2nd of the 'Hallel' (praise) Psalms which continue through 118. These become the featured songs commemorating the deliverance of the Lord through the ages…
There were many living witnesses to the resurrection power of Jesus Christ assembled during the course of the Messiah's earthly ministry... We recount the “widow of Nain” and all who…
Genesis provides another striking instance marking an extraordinary milestone of faith in the life of Abraham. Genesis 21 records the patriarch's interaction with Abimelech documenting a distinct change of roles…

GOD & MAN – Psalm 113

March 14, 2021
Psalm 113 introduces another set of songs (113-118) in the Psalter which traditionally accompanied Jewish liturgy at festival, particularly; Passover, New moon, Weeks, Tabernacles, and Dedication of temple. These 6…
Psalm 112 announces: “...blessed is the man who fears the Lord; who greatly delights in His commandments”. The song thusly continues expounding, via 'poetic ideal', the rewards of godly fear.…
Smith's Bible Dictionary provides a summary of events through our text today that serves well as an introduction to this message. “Hagar (whose name means) 'flight', an Egyptian woman, the…