Ode of Antithesis – Psalm 36
May 11, 2014

Ode of Antithesis – Psalm 36

Passage: Psalm 36
Service Type:

One measure of commitment to themes of the Psalms is to take note of how often the wicked appear in today's worship songs. This observation should prompt us to consider the following. Have we forgotten the ultimate purposes of God in history? Have we forgotten His decrees from the garden judgement? Have we minimized God's victorious campaign over His enemies? Have we ignored His strategic purposes? Have we beheld His glory revealed by conquering contrast? In this Ode of Antithesis, David exalts the messianic supremacy of Christ as His elect line representative in the meta-narrative of salvation. This Psalm poetically echoes Gen 3:15 (seed vs. seed), 4:18 (Cain vs. Able), 3:25 (Seth vs. Cain), 6:1 (Sons of God vs. daughters of man), 6:8 (Noah vs. humanity).... etc.

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