November 13, 2022

NUN – THE TRIAL OF MORTAL – Psalm 119:105-112

Passage: Psalm 119:105-112

John 11:25 reads: “Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live.” Verse 26 continues recording Jesus' words to Martha concerning her beloved brother Lazarus who has died: “& everyone who lives & believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?” The occasion of Jesus question presented a profound test for Martha. Her brother has been dead for four days, right at this moment would have been the most difficult time to answer: “yes”. Nevertheless, Jesus asks her not after He raises Lazarus from the dead, but before. The situation proves to be both a test and a testimony of Martha's faith. Her conviction is all the more evident as she trusts her Messiah in life and in death. Many others in scripture could relate to this trial as well, Including the author of Ps 119. Verses 105-112 present a trial of mortal consequence where the author's oaths and vows of faithfulness to the Lord are subjected to a real stress test. Nevertheless, as we have witnessed in each stanza, he finds the covenant revelation of the Lord to be sufficient. Each verse beginning with the Hebrew letter 'nun' proclaims as much in the 14th stanza. The Word of God is sufficient for the trial of mortal affliction.