Numbering Our Days – Psalm 90
Book four is introduced with the first and only song written by Moses in the Psalter. A fitting location for this piece of poetry unrivaled in its beauty and depth. Isaac Taylor recognized Moses' philosophical and poetic genius surpassing that of the classical greeks on account of his possessing: “A heaven descended theology”. Consider additionally the experience of Moses providing context for Psalm 90. He guided his people through the valley of afflicting discipline, and ascended peaks of triumphant and spectacular salvation. Was there ever a man in history better equipped to pen these words given his testimony of God's faithfulness? The vantage point of Moses' experience and his theology afforded him a perspective from which to assess the life of the individual in light of the sovereignty of God. These thoughts no doubt ran through his mind if not sung from his lips as he gazed upon the promised land from one last mountain top before he died. Spurgeon observes of Psalm 90: “Many generations of mourners have listened to this Psalm when standing around the open grave, and have been consoled thereby...” Even so, the mere inclusion of Psalm 90 in our scriptures provides us ample means, motive, and opportunity to number our days regardless of our current state of affairs...