May 19, 2019

Noah in Context – Genesis 6:18-7:16

Passage: Genesis 6:18-7:16
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As we consider the Genesis account of the great flood in its context both immediately and as a jewel strung upon the chain of redemptive history, it becomes apparent that Noah’s testimony, calling, and experience is of central significance in the scriptures. The flood account and its implications are an indispensable foundation stone for the Biblical/Christian worldview. The particular emphasis given to these events cuts against the modern assumption that the story is merely culturally important in the social cohesion of the Hebrew identity (the way myths provide meaning and common interest for any ethnic group, tribe, or nation). According to the context of scripture this would be a gross misreading of the significance of Genesis 6-9. A such, it becomes clear according to the context that we minimize or recast this account at the cost of loosing its central purpose. If we dismiss the events of Genesis 6-9 as an embellished local flood story, or reason away the supernatural element, or interpret this account through the lens of “natural sciences”-- presupposing them a greater authority than the self-attesting Word of God -- we will surely miss the point and misrepresent the testimony of scripture. So what is so important and indispensable about the great flood? Why the time and detail spared for its documentation in the Genesis record? The context will speak for itself...

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