April 11, 2021


Passage: Psalm 114

Psalm 114 follows 113 as the 2nd of the 'Hallel' (praise) Psalms which continue through 118. These become the featured songs commemorating the deliverance of the Lord through the ages at festivals and feast. Historians often place the authorship of this Psalm post Babylonian exile due to its use of 'Judah' with reference to the whole of the people of God. One can certainly imagine a worthy occasion for its use, if not its authorship, as the remnant returns to rebuild the Holy City after 70 years in exile. Ps 114 is poetically rich in its use of parallels, a classic example of this recurring feature of Biblical poetry. Virtually every noun appears with a pairing (Egypt/people of strange language, Israel/Jacob, sanctuary/dominion, Judah/Israel, Sea/Jordan, Mountains/hills, rams/lambs, rock/flint, pool/spring...etc.). The implications of this text are manifold especially within the pages of scripture which expound, confirm, and fulfill its themes. Yet applications can be mined from this theologically mineral rich song as well. One application by way of introduction... When one considers the track record of obedience weighing nations vs. nature, which of these 2 'servants of the Lord' has been more faithful through the ages? Has the sea or the wind, the mountains or sunrise ever disobeyed their creator? Though the natural order is featured more extensively in this text... It only adds to the body of revelation proving God's mercy toward us including His grace convicting us to listen to the Word of our Creator, Redeemer, and Lord as attentively as the seas and mountains listen at His command. Sanctify us Lord as behold Your Word...!

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