Most High Refuge – Psalm 91
April 14, 2019

Most High Refuge – Psalm 91

Passage: Psalm 91
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We come to a beloved Psalm in our series today. Psalm 91 is a familiar text, often memorized and, much like Ps 23, has become iconic of the Psalter itself in the minds and traditions of many. While there are great benefits to familiarity of a text like this, our sentimental connections with certain portions of scripture can also present challenges. It may serve us well to probe deeper than our immediate attachments to favored passages and analyze them with a fresh perspective, especially with an eye to their greater context given their theological situation and historical background. Considering Psalm 91 through this filter may yield deeper, greater, treasure still. The occasion for Ps 91 may well be the corporate and personal perils of war. Much of its imagery incorporates battle environment references. While there certainly is a personal/ individual application and context one might gather from the song, it behooves us to remember its purpose for corporate worship and the context of the nation of Israel – the covenant faithful – as a driving impetus inspiring these words. Our cultural impulse is often to over individualize a text like Ps 91. There is a pointed messianic element sometimes overlooked in the Psalm as well. Is is also worthy to note how Ps 90 and 91 pair in theme. Ps 90 emphasizes the Lord as our eternal dwelling place given the frailty of man. Ps 91 points to the dwelling place found in the Most High given the calamity of a fallen world...

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