May 19, 2024

MORAL SELF DEFENSE – Proverbs 1:8-19 – 5-19-24

Passage: Proverbs 1:8-19

The first “my son” oracle in Proverbs serves as a warning against the self destructive and deceptive nature of sin.  Solomon takes as his example of wickedness, the plundering of innocent people.  This scenario serves additionally to illustrate the anti-virtue character at the root of all transgression.  Protection & care for the vulnerable innocent is a paramount concern in a Biblical government.  The law order of scripture prioritizes the widow, the orphan, the elderly, and the poor.  The plight of these groups of people relative to the attitude of a society is a barometer of cultural health.  Abuse, neglect or exploitation of these groups are acts of social suicide.  Proverbs 1:8-19 applies this principle to the individual as well.  The consequence of sin is a self-inflicted curse, therefore moral self defense requires our desires and discipline be governed by the Spirit according to the means that He supplies.  According to the Biblical order ideal, this begins in the God-fearing home.