July 22, 2018

Miraculous Salvation – Acts 8:26-39

Passage: Acts 8:26-39
Service Type:

Acts introduces the church age with the spread of the gospel and a flurry of Holy Spirit activity. Luke makes it clear to us from page one of the New Testament church that the work of salvation in the hearts of the elect is a supernatural event. God alone receives the due glory for the amazing conversion testimonies of His people from the first sermons of His Spirit filled apostles to the echos of their appeals from gospel preachers to this day. The book of Acts chronicles the obedience of the early church to take up their cross and proclaim Christ to the nations, even if the cost was incredibly high. We ourselves are continuing fruits of their ancient labors, and today we follow their example in baptizing new converts to the Christian faith in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Our text today powerfully reminds us that this event is significant. It represents the culmination of the Spirit's sovereign and miraculous cultivating Word going before, preparing hearts to receive the Word of God, anointing the preaching of the scriptures, appointing Godly parents, preparing conversations, illustrating truths of scripture through discipline and instruction... indeed opening eyes of the spiritually blind and calling forth resurrection spiritual life from the deadness of sinful hearts. Let us consider a textbook conversion account from the biography of the early church...

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