November 12, 2023

MIGRANT WORSHIPPERS – Psalm 122 – 11-12-23

Passage: Psalm 122

What event might have marked the singing of the very first song of ascent in its historical context? Who might be its author and singer? I submit a compelling case can be made for King David and the events of II Sam 6. Here, upon the king's direction, the ark of the covenant makes its own ascent up the hill of the Lord to be placed in the city of Jerusalem, the future site of temple worship. The psalm of David we consider today would certainly be fitting for this occasion even as it stands as a profound statement of faith by the king who was forbidden to build a house for the Lord. His son, Solomon however would fulfill David's vision to establish Jerusalem as the permanent center of worship for believing pilgrims. These are the yet-to-be-born faithful for whom David composed His song that would realize its joyful hope to an even greater degree. Jerusalem is saturated with covenantal historical significance. In the language of type and symbol, Jerusalem stands for: The place of God's abiding presence with man upon the conditions of reconciliation satisfied in atoning sacrifice.