Messianic Premonition – Psalm 61
September 11, 2016

Messianic Premonition – Psalm 61

Passage: Psalm 61
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It seems likely this Psalm would accompany David’s troubled latter years as king of Israel. Like many stories of near death experiences, this Psalm seems to flash before our eyes with glimpses of eternal significance. It is as if David suddenly proclaims a snapshot of redemptive history in song. 8 short verses seem to contain the shape of God's unfolding plan for His covenant people of all time secured by their Messiah/King. The stanzas summarize David's life experiences, the history of God's covenant people, the ministry of Christ – the incarnate Son of David – and proclaim the merits of the King of Kings simultaneously. David is once again witting in the 'messianic 1st person'. He writes as the lineage of Christ. A we receive Psalm 61 in this voice, our thoughts rush forwarded to its fulfillment in the New Testament account of the person and work of Jesus Christ: The Son of David, the Son of Abraham (Mat 1:1)

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