September 28, 2014

Mercy or Magic – Matthew 15:29-35, 16:1-4

Passage: Matthew 15:29-35, 16:1-4
Service Type:

Throughout the narrative in Mat 15 into 16, we can read between the lines of chronicle and observe the situational sovereignty in four details in this record. First, there is the matter of the ROUTE Jesus travels, second, the REPETITION of feeding thousands, third, the REGION (or setting) of the events, and fourth, the REACTIONS to Christ from those who interact with him in contrasting ways at this juncture in His ministry. Category #4 is the theme of this message. Consider in your own approach to Christ, the following questions... Do you approach/come to Christ, to glorify Him or to test Him? When considering the person and work of Jesus, do you marvel or question? In your quest for answers, are you surrendering or shopping? Are you admittedly poor in spirit or are you self sufficient? In beseeching Christ, are you more interested in mercy, or magic? Surveying the characters displayed here... Who would you rather be? The Pharisees, scribes, Sadducees, disciples, or the crowds as represented by the Canaanite woman?

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