August 6, 2023

MERCY & FEAR – Jude 16-23

Passage: Jude 16-23

Today completes our Jude mini series comparing & contrasting descriptions of the ungodly vs. admonitions to the holy in verses 16-23. In the interest of equipping the church to triumph over all her enemies, Jude and his fellow laborers wrote to the early believers exhorting and encouraging them to stand against anything or anyone who would seek to diminish or deny the glory, majesty, dominion, and authority of Jesus Christ our Lord. From our vantage point in church history, we are witnesses to 2,000 plus years of the sufficiency of these words with the rest of scripture to preserve and arm a remnant to advance the kingdom of God further and further though the borders are constantly assailed by enemies. The Word of God is stronger still. For this study we have organized Jude's closing instructions in two columns. On the one hand: the ungodly are devoid of the Spirit and they stumble. On the other hand: the holy are to show mercy with fear and hate even the garments stained by the flesh.