October 9, 2022

MEM – THE TRIAL OF DECEIT – Psalm 119:97-104

Passage: Psalm 119:97-104

The 13th stanza in the great acrostic Psalm introduces the theme of the sufficiency of God's word for the trial of deception with the Hebrew letter 'mem'. This passage also introduces a rare word translated 'meditation' used only 3 times in the Bible, once in Job (15:4), & twice here (verses 97 & 99). The notion of meditation is promoted these days by false religions and therefore it may be helpful to highlight its Biblical context. 'Strongs' concordance associates the word with reflection, devotion, and prayer. While these spiritual disciplines certainly characterize the heart of Psalm 119's author, perhaps a fuller sense of Biblical meditation is gleaned from the form and context of this entire song. Ps 119 is structured to illustrate and reinforce the proper orientation toward divine revelation The song's length, recurring parallelisms, detail, and acrostic order all presuppose a disciplined and delighted singer. For the Christian, meditation is not suspending ones God-given reasoning faculties to place him in a spiritually suggestible state, rather it is a disciplined and delighted attentiveness to the covenant revelation of God. The Word of God, in its superior authority, sufficiency, and perfection commands a singular devotion. The Psalmist models this discipline and delight for us in this great song as we surpass 100 references to God's self disclosure of His righteousness, holiness, and truth. As we follow the author's train of thought and passion for the scriptures, may we grow in our own affections for the inerrant, infallible, sufficient, and eternal Word of God.