August 21, 2016

Meeting the Bridegroom – Matthew 25:1-12

Passage: Matthew 25:1-12
Service Type:

In Matthew 13:10-17 there is a record in the words of Jesus for the reason He spoke in parables. One aspect of Christ's purpose in this teaching context is described as a fulfillment of Isaiah's prophecy “You will indeed hear but never understand... for this people's heart has grown dull and with their ears they can barely hear and their eyes they have closed...” In context, therefore, we find parables serve both to illuminate (for those with ears to hear) and to veil, as judgment on the spiritually dull of hearing. In light of this hermeneutical note of context. Mat 25:1-12 and the parable of the 10 virgins is doubly ironic. It is a parable about dullness and drowsiness, and for the spiritually obtuse, it will both describe them and sedate them. However, for those with ears to hear, Mat 25:1-12 functions as a wake up call. A signal warning against spiritual laziness and apathy. It is the 1st of two 'waiting' parables in Matthew’s 5th discourse and calls attention of all who genuinely await the bridegroom Christ to tend to their lives as lamps need oil and trimming. May the Lord grant us sovereign hearing this day!

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