January 15, 2017

Man’s Weakness – Gospel Power – Matthew 26:69-75

Passage: Matthew 26:69-75
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Luke's gospel provides supernatural 'behind the scenes' perspective on these moments featured in all four gospels. As to the denial of Peter – we learn that this event had been the topic of prior discussion in the spiritual realm. Much like the prologue of Job which provides a window into the sovereign decree of God, we discover in the case of Peter, discussions that included negotiations attempted by the devil himself for the soul of the representative disciple. (Luke 22:31-32) “ Simon, Simon, behold, Satan demanded to have you, that he might sift you like wheat, but I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned again, strengthen your brothers.” As this prophesied moment unfolds, the events of Jesus' trial demonstrate dramatic dichotomies that sharpen our view of the gospel through the lens of human sin, and the explosive power of grace. 1St: Christ prays three times to the Father (36-46) as His disciples sleep WHILE Peter wakes up to deny Jesus three times as His savior suffers at the hands of sinners. 2nd Jesus lays down His life in order to justify sinners and make them His own WHILE Peter denies his master trying to spare his own life. 3rd Peter denied his Lord before men to save himself WHILE later in his ministry he will confess his Lord at the cost of his life in hopes of saving the lost. 4th Peter's grief leads him to repentance WHILE Judas' remorse leads him to destruction (27:3-10). Peter's testimony provides us a microcosm of theological truths featuring sovereignty, sin, and salvation.

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