February 21, 2016

Lessons in Lawfulness – Matthew 23:23-33

Passage: Mat 23:23-33
Service Type:

Jesus' message to the Pharisees is laced with surprising, even shocking, ironies. The most learned of men in one sense, proved the most ignorant in another. Though they were most devout in many things, they were nevertheless obstinate with respect to the truth. The most careful and concerned experts in the minutia, detail, and nuance of Old Testament law are declared lawless by Christ! Those who sought ceremonial blamelessness and perfection are shown to be utterly and completely contaminated. The most impressive displays of outward piety prove to be the most despicable evidence of depravity once the mask of hypocrisy is stripped from this complex and deceptive religious scam and its leaders. The great class of experts and doctors of theological precision according to their system are in fact the blind leading the blind. John 9:35-41 illustrates this via a great miracle of Jesus opening physical eyes... Let us pray His Word opens our eyes to the Pharisaical tendencies that yet plague the heart of man so easily motivated by a deluded quest for self justification...

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