August 18, 2019

Lands, Languages, Clans, Nations – Genesis 10 (Partial Audio)

Passage: Genesis 10
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Two passages exemplify how foundational Genesis 10 is for the worldview of all the Biblical authors and all well informed Christians (Acts 17:26, and Ephesians 3:14-15). Immediately after documenting the flood and select events of Noah's life, Moses records this genealogy marking the lineage of Noah's sons. This chapter goes further than a mere list however, there are signal details which anticipate events to come recorded throughout the scripture which chart the prophecies of Noah concerning his sons and by extension, all of the human race (Gen 9:25-27). This chapter allows us to view global development from a sovereign perspective as God's purposes and plan are played out on the stage of ancient history. There are unique factors encoded in this section we should note... First) The literary device of overlapping time. This chapter naturally precedes chapter 11 as it sets up the context particularly by highlighting the legacy of Nimrod, but is also transcends chapter 12 chronologically by speaking of a multi-generational sweep of time and nations. Second) the use of numbers totaling 7 or 70 figure into the context. 70 nations are listed, 7 sons of Japheth, 7 grandsons of Japheth, 7 descendants of Cush, 7 Descendents of Egypt.... While the list is not exhaustive, the context is comprehensive. '7' being the Biblical number of completion or fullness. This chapter refers to God's plans through all nations over all the earth...

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