September 11, 2022


Passage: Psalm 119:89-96

Each verse of the 12th stanza of Psalm 119 begins with the 12th letter in the Hebrew alphabet in the original text. In this collection of 8 verses the psalmist reassures his soul and thereby proclaims to his readers the sufficiency of the Word of God for the trial of conspiring forces motivated by wicked desires to destroy him. Verse 95 describes this threat in terms of a premeditated ambush. Examples of this type of peril appear in our recent studies of greater scripture. Joseph faced this kind of persecution from his scheming jealous brothers when they stopped short of killing him only to throw him in a pit and sell him into slavery. This betrayal of one's closest companions foreshadows the betrayal of Jesus at the hands of Judas who conspired with our Lord's bitter enemies, selling Him into the custody of murderers for 30 pieces of silver. If David were the author of Psalm 119, we could imagine him struggling with the rebellion of his son Absalom who sought to overthrow the anointed administration of his own father, plotting to usurp the throne of Israel. Trials of this sort are among the most disturbing to the soul. The trauma of betrayal and fear of plotting enemies, especially those close to you, can drive one to insanity or worse. The psalmist exemplifies where to turn in situations like this as he finds hope and help from the architect of the heavens, earth, and the covenant of eternal salvation. May we follow his lead.