June 26, 2016

Kingdom Come – Matthew 24:29-31

Passage: Matthew 24:29-31
Service Type:

The inaugural events of the rule and reign of Christ spoken with prophetic power and illustrative language cannot be fully understood or appreciated apart from their greater linguistic and revelatory context. The Word of God demands attention paid closely to itself for coherent understanding. The self-authenticating nature of scripture is key, not just to its CLAIMS as the Word of God, but to its perspicuity/CLARITY as the Word of God. We should never seek to understand scripture in the light of our experience, preconceived notions, current events, wishful thinking, felt needs, market demands, popular philosophy, modern influences, or secular claims of truth.... Instead we are to seek to understand and discern all these and everything else in the light of God's Word. Hermeneutics (scripture interpreting scripture) is the discipline of Biblical interpretation that guides us in this task. Today's message will seek to draw perspective on 3 important verses of Jesus' 5th discourse from the well of Biblical precedent.

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