October 28, 2018

Judgement Realities – Genesis 3:14-19

Passage: Genesis 3:14-19
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The judgements levied by God upon the fall of mankind into sin provide a precise accounting of the nature of man and his relationship to the world. Though so many in our day scoff at the origin account unfolding in Genesis, they can do nothing but illustrate its absolute prophetic accuracy even in their incredulity (unbelief). Genesis 3 continues to lay out for us the architecture of reality all the while explaining in detail why things are the way we experience them at every point in human history since the fall. The consequences of sin not only alter the nature and destiny of man, but our text also reveals how the natural world is also affected by man's sin. Everything is out of joint and awaits the day of divine intervention to restore what has been the state of things since these early moments in time. This cry for regeneration emanates even from nature. Rom 8:19-23. Let us consider the three part decree of judgement following the fall and its effects from Genesis through today...

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