November 26, 2023

JUDAH’S KING – Genesis 49:8-12 – 11-26-23

Passage: Genesis 49:8-12

In Jacob's dying song we revisit a great theme of the book of Genesis: 'The Significant Son'. Remember the hope of Genesis 3:15? The woman's son would crush the serpents head. Perhaps Adam and Eve where hopeful that their first born Cain would be their savior. As the narrative continues, the birth of Seth following the murder of Able and the banishment of Cain may have renewed their hopes of salvation. Through the ages, the patriarch's hopes were kept alive through the elect line as Enoch defied death, Noah sailed humanity through the waters of judgement to a new world, Abraham received a covenant of light and blessing to the nations, Isaac was miraculously born, and Jacob received the birthright. Yet could any of these men deliver us from evil hearts and redeem this fallen world of sin and its effects? No. Nevertheless, In Jacob's song, hope for a savior still lives though perhaps barely audible to his sons by way of his feeble dying voice. Thankfully, his oracle is written down forever in the pages of Holy Scripture where we may behold its weight and glory in light of New Covenant fulfillment.