August 21, 2022

JOSEPH BETRAYED – Genesis 37:12-36

Passage: Genesis 37:12-36

f deliverance via messianic ascension summarizes Joseph's legacy, it makes sense that the opening chapters of his story would reference low points in his life. Joseph eventually arises to rule in Egypt but he does so leaving a pit, slavery, betrayal, incarceration, family estrangement, and false accusations behind him. Our passage today records some of these struggles in his early years. Traumatic events rendering him the victim of a human trafficking ring on their way to a pagan land shape the coming of age experience of Joseph. We learn over the course of his life, however, that the schemes of sinners are no match for the decree of God Almighty. Our text opens with Joseph wandering in the fields of Shechem. A young shepherd far from home is looking for his brothers. One commentator insightfully notes: “because of this divinely ordained delay, the Ishmaelites arrived at just the right time”. When his brothers finally spot the wandering Joseph approaching, they plot to kill him. Their conspiracy betrays underlying motives to disrupt the purposes of God and shape history according to their preferences rather than submit to the One True Sovereign of creation, salvation, and providence. Will their sabotage prove successful? Not only is the answer a resounding “no”, in time, their sinful actions prove to be instrumental in the plan of God to exalt their brother and to save the covenant family from the coming famine. There is nothing more compelling than the true story of redemption as told by the Spirit of God inspiring the glorious record of scripture. Today's passage is a textbook example.