December 18, 2016

Institutionalized Blasphemy – Matthew 26:57-68 (The Trial of Christ)

Passage: Matthew 26:57-68
Service Type:

The significance of the events we read of today is underscored in many ways throughout the text. One example is the detail and frequency of the gospel record. All three gospels once again spotlight these agonizing events in our Savior's life and ministry. (Mk 14:53-72, Like 22:54-71, Jn 18:13-27). Considering John's account as an example, we discover a prophetic detail governing this event and summarizing its meaning in a powerful nutshell in chapter 11:49-52. Here Ciaphas (the high priest presiding over this ad hoc trial) inadvertently speaks with stunning Gospel clarity and premonition when he declared: “ is better for you that one man should die for the people..”. This detail sets the tome for the entire passion of Jesus. His enemies were tools in the hand of the Father to strike the Shepherd (31) to make full, final, and merciful atonement for His people. The momentary scattering of the sheep will soon give way – because of these events – to the great in gatherings of history, the price of salvation having been paid in full. Nevertheless, Luke's account makes clear (22:65) that this entire proceeding was the height of institutional blasphemy. Offices and officers ultimately commissioned by God as His deacons of justice were abusing their privilege, manipulating the people, corrupting the court, discrediting themselves, legislating against the Lord, coopting the institutions of social order to systemically rebel against God Himself... This tale always ends in a reckoning.

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