December 7, 2014

Incarnational Family Ties – Heb 2:5-15

Passage: Hebrews 2:5-15
Service Type:

The supremacy of Christ in the opening pages of Hebrews is demonstrated by a compounding case using Old Testament citations and their multifaceted fulfillment in our Lord. In chapter 2, the incarnation takes center stage as key to unlocking prophetic mysteries declared from ages prior. The author situates Christ as first person in 3 prophetic Old Testament texts. Two from David in the Psalms (8,22) and 1 from Isaiah 8:17. This formula reveals a scriptural pattern of 2 stage revelation. There is the illuminating quality of the text as is applies to the human authors (themselves types of Christ) and there is the 2nd stage glory of their words revealed in the incarnate son. The author of Hebrews teaches his audience the Christo-centic character of the Word of God. Powerful and sophisticated – this commentary provides staggering answers to redemptive/historical loose ends... but not without challenging our mere human, linear thinking to a higher standard of study and meditation.

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