In God We Trust – Psalm 56
January 10, 2016

In God We Trust – Psalm 56

Passage: Psalm 56
Service Type:

Minted coins in the United States contain the phrase: “In God we trust” emblazoned next to images of important historical figures. This phrase has Biblical content and this sermon could serve to underscore that our Nation's motto need not be an empty phrase. The Biblical context of the confession of confidence: “In God we trust” harkens back to the great monarch/magistrate of the nation of Israel who poetically proclaims the substance of security in Christ in Psalm 56. If you think the 'separation of church and state' secular/pagan mongers are mad now when all they are effectively protesting is the dilapidated window dressing of a bygone era... imagine if this phrase carried for us the weight it carried for David. Psalm 56 provides a call to repentance for this nation.... so long as we remain complicit with an apostate culture, every coin in our pocket condemns us! The witness against our God-despising frowardness shouts from the relics of our nation's past and calls us back to our oaths and vows. Let us learn our lesson from King David, the great vow keeper! Psalm 56 is the 2nd of 6 Miktams by title in the Psalter. (16, 56-60) Like our text today each contain the elements of adversity, victory, and vow.

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