July 7, 2024

HOW TO JUDGE – 7-7-2024 – I Corinthians 4:1-13

Passage: I Corinthians 4:1-13

The "temple vantage point" of Paul's instruction to the church in Corinth in chapter 3

extends to his applications in chapter four. In our text today, Paul writes to correct the view of the Corinthians

toward apostolic ministry and authority. Once again, he addresses a primary theme and purpose in writing

that has surfaced several times early in his letter. This concern involved the role of and response to Christian

ministers in the early church. Exhortations referencing specific individuals and the Corinthian's attitude

toward these leaders appear in (1:11-13), (3:3-5), and here in ( 4:1-6). In chapter four Paul gives his closing

arguments on this issue before moving on to address matters of ethical concern, worship order, spiritual gifts,

and central theology through the rest of the book ...