July 5, 2020

Honorable Conduct – I Peter 2:12-25

Passage: I Peter 2:12-25
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I Peter 1:12 issues a directive for elect exile sojourners to conduct their affairs while they remain distant from their final destination and consummate homeland. We are to practice voluntary submission to human institutions in this meantime. As the passage unfolds, example institutions are referenced including Civil government, Servitude or slavery, Marriage. Peter points us to the example of Jesus' earthly ministry throughout, echoing the author of Hebrews appeal to “look to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” (Heb 12:2). Though living under the current conditions often involves suffering and humility, this calling ultimately serves to model the ministry of Jesus in His work of redemption. In this way, the tyranny of man, our sinful condition, and the order of hierarchal relationships in society are co-opted as opportunities to display the Gospel among unbelievers. In Peter, we have this concept by way of imperative, in other passages, especially in Acts, we have numerous apostolic examples. Acts 16 provides a striking instance. (20-24), (27-31), (35-39) Here the abuse suffered by Paul and Silas moved the jailer to cry out for salvation, even while the legal proceedings eventually served to put to shame the ignorance of foolish people. Paul and Peter are addressing the question: “What does honorable conduct among the Gentiles look like?

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