March 1, 2015

Homeowner Test – Hebrews 3:6-14

Passage: Hebrews 3:6-14
Service Type:

Hebrews 3:6 assures confessing believers that we are the house of Jesus Christ provided we meet the conditions of “...holding fast our confidence and our boasting in our hope...”. The undeniable thematic aim of Hebrews resurfaces in chapter 3 imploring the church to audit herself by scriptural standards of fidelity to the founder of our salvation (2:19) – Jesus, the apostle and high priest of our confession (3:1). Many in the author's audience would have never dreamed of denying their allegiance to Moses, meanwhile their lives revealed a waning allegiance to Christ. Who, or what, is the stable object of our affections? Where is our identity, security, loyalty, and hope invested? These questions will reveal who is indeed our 'homeowner'. P.E. Hughes summarizes this theme by saying: “... A man whose profession of faith is contradicted by the quality of his life should examine himself to see whether he is a Christian at all (II Cor 13:5). Security in Christ does not absolve one from personal responsibility; quite the contrary, for the regenerate man is under total obligation to God. Seriousness in believing should manifest itself in seriousness concerning doctrine and conduct.”

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