March 5, 2023

HOLY vs. UNGODLY – Jude 14-15

Passage: Jude 14-15

In his painstaking though brief effort to provide thorough context for discernment – Jude introduces an anecdote from a well known Jewish extra-Biblical work from the 1st or 2nd century B.C.. In this ancient document, the shadowy Old Testament patriarch is quoted pronouncing final judgement on the unrepentant enemies of the Lord. Though the “Book of Enoch” is not, nor should it be, included in the canon of scripture, nevertheless, Jude confirms the validity of at least this quote and its origin cited in Jude 14b-15. In so doing, Jude has added yet another category of literary device to underscore his message of warning and equipping for the early church. He has used examples of consequences in redemptive history in verses 5-7, and argument from lesser to greater in verses 9-10, 3 personal examples of rebellion in verse 11, 6 poetic analogies in 12-13, and now he adds the prophetic testimony of a pre-flood believer in verse 14-15. One might ask how a brief document like the book of Jude containing just 25 verses can support multiple sermons. A partial answer is found in the depth of context of Jude's various references to events and persons like the exodus, celestial judgement, Sodom and Gomorrah, spiritual warfare, Cain, Balaam, and Korah. Today's text is no exception.