August 5, 2018

Hills to Die On – Galatians 1:1-9

Passage: Galatians 1:1-9
Service Type:

In the providence of God, a group of false teachers in the Galatia region provide a test case for the church which served to reveal Gospel non-negotiables. Given the 1st century lay of the land culturally and the dynamic of the Jewish to Christian trajectory of the church, it is easy to see how the teachings of the Galatian imposter apostles would be attractive to many of these new Christians. These teachers might well have been considered 'reasonable partial legalists' bridging the separation between the traditional Jew and this new wave of Jesus' followers. Paul will have none of it. Against these alterations, the true apostle makes it unavoidably clear that the exclusive point of entry into the communion of Christ is by grace through faith in the work of our Savior alone. One commentator aptly notes: “everything in this letter is related to Paul's defense of justification by faith alone.” Galatians shouts in our ears the wakeup call of Gospel priority even today. The professing church has certainly not outgrown the usefulness of Paul admonishments. Today, notions of salvation enhanced by our works are sill prevalent and popular. The attempt to steal some glory for ourselves and justifying it by twisting the scriptures is still rampant. May we be equipped with the weapons of our warfare to expose them.

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