June 3, 2018

Hebrews on Leadership – Hebrews 13:7-25

Passage: Hebrews 13:7-25
Service Type:

What makes a great leader? Why are certain figures of historical importance celebrated for their leadership? What character traits and qualifications will we look for in our political candidates next election cycle? Questions like this – as common as the are – illustrate a preoccupation with the concept of leadership prevalent in our culture. In the confessing church, book titles to this effect alone, often indicate an obsession with the notion of leadership. These discussions are often marked by two sinful impulses manifesting themselves on either side of social hierarchy. First: pride among those seeking self-validation, meaning and identity. Ambition pursued at the expense of others translates into tyranny. Secondly: rebellion among those resenting submission to leadership without distinction. This results in lawlessness or antinomianism. ….All of this only highlights the importance of what the scriptures reveal on leadership. The Bible addresses those in leadership and those under leadership with absolute authority. It also makes clear, that in nearly every station of life, we are called to be under authority and in authority simultaneously depending on our calling and duty in God's order of things. For these reasons, it is appropriate that the author of Hebrews would close his sermon/epistle with instructions pertaining to leadership and equally as appropriate for us to take his instructions to heart.

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