October 30, 2022

HEAVEN’S FIRE ALARM – Genesis 41:1-32

Passage: Genesis 41:1-32

We estimate Joseph is now around 30 years of age. He has been in Egypt for some 12 years and 2 years have passed in the pit of Poitiphar's prison since he interpreted the cupbearer and baker's dreams with a plea that they remember him. In the perfect timing of God's purposes, Pharaoh’s dreams jog the memory of the cupbearer and he remembers the man that God has never forgotten. There has been a warning issued from the throne room of glory and the Pharaoh is alarmed. Though he has cause for concern, he does not understand the word of God evident to him by dream. A siren has filled the consciousness of the king, but he does not know what to do and he is ignorant of its meaning. The prophet Joseph is lifted from the pit of tribulation to reveal and proclaim the Word of God to Egypt by way of the king. This would not be the only time God would raise up such a voice through His appointed and anointed servant (Ex 1:8) Many years later, another king would arise who “did not know Joseph” and once again the warning issued from heaven would be carried by a fugitive to the courts of the most powerful man on earth commanding him to submit to the authority of Yahweh or else. Common folks and world leaders are alarmed in our day. There is an inescapable sense of concern plaguing our society. Situations like this are a call for the Word of God to be proclaimed with authority. Submit to the One True Sovereign and be saved... the alternative is devastating judgement!