August 8, 2021


Passage: Psalm 118

Today's Psalm is singular in a number of ways beyond its stand alone beauty & authority. In the context of Ps 117, which proclaims an international call to worship, Ps 118 serves to declare the judicial consequences for nations who will not bow to the Lord. In the context of historical occasions, Ps 118 serves as a fitting worship anthem for victorious kings or for memorial occasions like the dedication/rebuilding of the temple where the steadfast love of the Lord was recognized at the institution of temple worship. “His steadfast love endures forever” might as well be the national anthem of Israel, so frequently does the theme appear in the worship and testimony of the people of God. Ps 118 serves as a processional song in structure and theme pointing the singer in the direction of sanctuary covenant worship. Ps 118 contains responsive elements, the often repeated phrases serve well for congregational participation and response. Ps 118 is a prophetic and Messianic song tying redemptive purposes of God together across the centuries and as such, it is cited frequently in the New Testament, 6 of these citations with reference to Jesus as the Cornerstone of salvation history. Ps 118 follows 5 related songs in 'hallel (praise) crescendo'. It is the capstone of 6 songs written and sung to commemorate the delivering power of God over Israel's greatest enemies. Incidentally, it reprises themes of the previous 5 psalms in order and closes with a final note of triumph. Finally, Ps 118 is most likely the very last song our Lord sang with His disciples before taking the weight of our sins upon the cross of Calvary (Mat 26:30).

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