April 26, 2020

Great Mercies – Nehemiah 9:18-26

Passage: Nehemiah 9:18-26
Service Type:

Following the instructions of Deut 27:1-8, the returning exiles participate in a covenant renewal ceremony. The great king has been acknowledged as their sovereign (9:5-6). This formal covenant event then continues with a record of the history of Israel in relationship with Yahweh. This extended historical prologue is structured around the wonders of Almighty God. The people affixing their names to a “firm covenant in writing” (9:3), recognize the stiff necked rebellion of their father's generation is the sinful consequence of ignoring the wondrous works of their gracious, merciful, and steadfastly loving God (9:17).
This explains their repentance evident in a memorial worship service wherein they read the scriptures and confess their dependence on the Lord which commands the attention of the people for hours and hours. They recall and affirm His covenant promises to their forefather Abraham, his conquering sovereign glory overcoming their enemies, His divine revelation, and His miraculous provision all in the context of (Ex 34:6) cited in verse 17 (a central text of God's self-disclosure throughout the scriptures). In our text today, the people recognize that their generational sins and general obstinance has served to show just how great the mercies of God truly are.
As the people repent, they acknowledge their wayward hearts and frequent backsliding. They go on to beseech the Lord for His mercy and forgiveness to continue (32) and they seal their covenant renewal commitments by written document (38). With all the more covenant history to be mindful of today, let us remember the great mercies of our God upon our own land and His abounding gracious steadfast love secured for each believer at the cross of Jesus Christ...

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