GOSPEL RECONSTRUCTION – 2-2-2025 – I Corinthians 7:17-35
The vision for Gospel Reconstruction in Corinth continues with blueprints equipping the
church for the Christian life in greater society. We understand from Paul's teaching that Christ bas come to rebuild
and reconcile individuals and institutions in his image and Christians are called to faithfully, patiently endeavor to
do the same. Paul's letters imply an important distinction between Christian missionary work including Christian
growth in a community and secular revolutions. Civil Authorities are to be recognized, honored, and called to
repentance. Slaves are not to immediately revolt against their owners. Christian spouses are not supposed to throw
their unbelieving wives or husbands out as soon as they come to Christ. Rather these circumstances are to be viewed
as God's strategic providence magnifying our salt and light opportunities (Mat 5: 13-16)