October 22, 2023

GODLY HERITAGE – Genesis 48:15-49:2 – 10-22-23

Passage: Genesis 48:15-49:2

Genesis 33:19-20 records a modest land purchase secured by Jacob no doubt representing a down payment or planted flag heralding a return to the land in future generations. This is just one example of an easily forgotten detail in the text that finds its significance in light of passages like ours today. In this message we consider a patriarchal blessing given by Jacob in his last hours. Passages documenting revelation by way of prophecy and messianic anticipation (like those found in end-of-life benedictions of the forefathers of the covenant) appear like jewels strung upon the necklace of the Genesis narrative. These treasures of redemptive hope shine all the brighter against the backdrop of the aging Jacob's feebleness having grown weak, sick, and blind at 147 years. In light of these circumstances, it appears all the more obvious that his words and actions in these moments are by way of divine inspiration not the arbitrary will of man. Jacob's words foretell future circumstances involving persons and events unfolding in salvation's history. The last gasps of a dying man proclaim a future hope that will continue forever until all the elect and all the world is redeemed.