March 31, 2019

God Saw-God Said – Genesis 6:9-18

Passage: Genesis 6:9-18
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Genesis documents a precedent establishing record of the relationship between God's knowledge and His power. These attributes of God are referenced repeatedly in the text with language indicating that God saw and spoke concerning the state of affairs at the time of Noah. This assessment then unfolds in actual historical events as the record of Noah's legacy continues. God sends animals to Noah, God closes the door of the ark, God pours rain from heaven's windows, God unleashes the fountains of the great deep. This is the imminent hand of God judging His enemies even as He provides for the salvation of His covenant people (Noah's family). History is time measured by the progress of redemption and a day-of-the-Lord moment is soon to visit planet earth with cataclysmic consequences. Furthermore the detail of God's revelation with respect to His intentions signals profound unfolding of future events which will mark the hand of God in history future. Thus Genesis continues to paint a Spirit-inspired portrait of the character and intentions of the Lord of Creation and the Lord of Salvation...

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