March 14, 2021

GOD & MAN – Psalm 113

Passage: Psalm 113

Psalm 113 introduces another set of songs (113-118) in the Psalter which traditionally accompanied Jewish liturgy at festival, particularly; Passover, New moon, Weeks, Tabernacles, and Dedication of temple. These 6 songs are referred to as the 'Hallel' or 'Egyptian Hallel' Psalms. This category recognizes their themes as fitting to commemorate the works of the Lord promised and executed in the Exodus deliverance. As such, a song form this section, if not all 6, were likely sung by our Lord Himself and His apostles at the Last Supper occasion (Mat 26:30, Mark 14:26). Let us likewise realize the timeless value of these songs of 'hallel' -or- 'praise' given our own salvation experience. Our Lord and Savior exalted in these very words likely led His 1st disciples in a worship service singing Ps 113 in anticipation of His Calvary work of deliverance as the true passover Lamb led to the slaughter for our sins and thereby securing our communion with Him... When we sing Ps 113 we join Jesus Christ in song!

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