November 16, 2014

God – All In All – Acts 17:16-34

Passage: Acts 17:16-34

While the teachings of Paul are technical and academic, they are also practical. An example of the practical application of such teachings can be found in Acts 17. Paul, himself, brilliantly demonstrates the truths, which he wrote down in Romans 1:18-23, as he preaches in the open air of a leading intellectual and cultural center of that day: Athens Greece. While standing in the midst of the Areopagus (the place where the city council of Athens met), Paul calls out the idolatry of the city, folly of the philosophers, and their suppression of the truth of God. Passages such as these are examples that show us Christ is not to be absent from the public square, but is to be proclaimed as creator and Lord over all things, for He is the giver of “life and breath and everything.”

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